Sunday 26 January 2014

Boys Rule Scrapbook layouts

Here is the start of many blog posts. I have been super busy scrapping this month b/c 1)Christmas is over so much more free time 2) Have nothing going on this month (hardly any kid sports, events, ect) cause it is January and January is usually pretty boring 3) Nothing good on tv ie Grey's doesn't start back up til next month, nor does The Voice 4) really trying to save money by not going out 5) Waiting on surgery which isn't til next month. Oh and someone lost my camera battery charger so I haven't been photographing all the layouts for challenges or my own got a charger yesterday so here we go!!

Boys Rule Scrapbook January layout challenge:

my layout: my cute boys and nephew being loud lil cowboys!

Extreme Scrappy Challenge: Lift Yourself

this is a layout I did from a use your own product class

and here's the layout I just made 'lifting' from the previouos


  1. Nice job! You are a sketch lover :) me too :)

  2. Nice job!!! Looks like you love sketches as much as I do :)

  3. Wow you have been so busy crating amazing layout, I love what you are doing! Thanks you so much for joining in with Sketch-y Friday at ScrapMuch?!

  4. Wow I love your take on the boys rule sketch, so glad you joined us there!
